Ng Cheng Chuan, (Chairman)
Mr. Ng Cheng Chuan, a Non Executive Non Independent Director, joined the Board of Ibraco Group on 21 October 2009. He is also member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Mr. Ng is the Chairman of Crossland Marketing (2000) Pte Ltd and several other companies in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand dealing mainly with soft commodities, farming and warehousing. Mr Ng has more than 25 years of extensive experience in the areas of sales and purchases of soft commodities.
Datuk (Dr.) Philip Ting Ding Ing, (Deputy Chairman)
Datuk (Dr) Philip Ting, a Non Executive Independent Director, joined the Board of Ibraco Group on 1 April 2001.
Datuk Ting holds a Bachelor of Business degree majoring in Accounting, as well as a Doctorate of the University (Honoris Causa) from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. He is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.
A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, he was in public practice for 17 years beginning with Touche Ross & Co in Australia in 1973 and ending as a Partner of Arthur Andersen & Co/Hanafiah Raslan & Mohamad in Malaysia. From 1991 to 1994, he was Chief Executive Officer of Sarawak Securities Sdn Bhd, a major stock-broking company in Malaysia and from 1994 to 1998, he was Group Managing Director of Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad, a diversified conglomerate in Malaysia. He was the acting Group Chief Executive Officer of Encorp Berhad from 1 October 2010 to 30th November 2010. During his working career, he spent a significant amount of time consulting and investing in Australia, the United States of America and in countries throughout Southeast Asia.
He is the honorary Consul for Australia in Sarawak and the deputy president of the Sarawak Chamber of Commerce and Industries. He is also a board and council member of Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak and chairman of the University's finance committee.
Chew Chiaw Han, (Managing Director)
Mr. Chew Chiaw Han was appointed as a Non Executive Non Independent Director on 21 October 2009 and became an Executive Director on 30 October 2009. He was then appointed as the Chief Executive Officer on 30 April 2010 and later redesignated as the Managing Director on 10 May 2011. Mr. Chew is also the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee, member of the Option Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Mr. Chew is a graduate of the University of Waikato, New Zealand with a Bachelor of Laws Degree. Mr. Chew started his career with Lian Hua Seng Group of companies in 1999. He was then appointed as an Executive Director in 2002 and later promoted to Chief Executive Officer of the Group in 2007. Under his leadership, the group has developed its core businesses well and achieving a stable growth in revenue and profit. He has led the group to diversify into other business fields such as manufacturing, supply, construction, logistic, and food processing, both in private and government sectors.
Liu Tow Hua, (Executive Director)
Mr. Liu Tow Hua, an Executive Director, joined the Board of Ibraco Group on 16 January 2007. He is also a member of the Option Committee and the Risk Management Committee.
He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK). He is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and the Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia.
He has extensive experience in the auditing field both in the public and private sectors. He joined Ibraco Berhad as Group Internal Auditor and became the Chief Financial Officer in May 2006. He was appointed as an Executive Director on 16 January 2007.
Sharifah Deborah Sophia Ibrahim, (Non Executive Non Independent Director)
Puan Sharifah Deborah Sophia Ibrahim was appointed to the Board of Ibraco Group on 5 July 1982 as an Executive Director and as a member of the Audit Committee on 21 April 2001. She ceased to be a member of the Audit Committee on 3 December 2007 and was redesignated to a Non Executive Non Independent Director on 16 April 2008. She also holds directorships in several private limited companies.
Ng Kee Tiong, (Non Executive Independent Director)
Mr. Ng Kee Tiong, a Non Executive Independent Director, was appointed to the Board of Ibraco Group on 15 April 2010. He is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee and member of the Nomination Committee.
Mr. Ng is a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of United Kingdom and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. Beside his accounting and finance experience, he gained many years of experience in property development and construction industry.
Guido Paul Philip Joseph Ravelli, (Non Executive Independent Director)
Mr. Guido Paul Philip Joseph Ravelli, a Non Executive Independent Director, joined the Board of Ibraco Group on 1 May 2002. He is also the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee and member of the Audit Committee. He is also the Senior Independent Non Executive Director to whom the public may address their concerns (if any) on the general conducts of Ibraco Group of Companies.
Born in the United Kingdom, he studied civil engineering at King’s College, University of London. Graduating with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in Civil Engineering, he furthered his studies at Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris. Commencing his working career with a major building contractor in Paris, he soon elected to pursue an international career in the field of construction. Since joining Bouygues Construction in France in 1974, he has accumulated more than 30 years of experience in the development, implementation and management of building, public works and built-operate-transfer projects in France, Portugal, Hong Kong and Malaysia and 9 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. In 2000, the President of France conferred a national honour on him by making Paul Ravelli a Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Merite, in recognition of his contribution to the profession and to Franco-Asian business relations. Amongst the significant projects with which he has been associated are in Hong Kong, the HSBC Head Office, Pacific Place development, the National Stadium and the Convention & Exhibition Centre, and in Malaysia, the KL Sentral Station.
Mr. Paul Ravelli is Deputy Chairman and Independent Non Executive Director of Malton Berhad, a company listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad specialising in property development and project construction management. Prior to this, he was a Director and General Manager of Dragages Malaysia Berhad. He is currently Chairman of CFC Technologies Holdings, a company specialising in associated gases in oil fields.

Board Of Directors